ISO 14001 certification
INP-AgroToulouse, the first French agronomy school certified ISO 14001 for its environmental approach.
ISO 14001 is an international environmental management standard based on the continuous improvement of environmental performance. This approach aims to define a Sustainable Development Policy and gradually implement good practices in order to reduce and control its impact on the environment.
Environmental commitment of ENSAT
AgroToulouse is strongly committed in sustainable development and continuous improvement and has made this commitment a reality through the school's ISO 14001 certification.
The work required for certification was carried out in partnership between staff, teacher-researchers, students in the field of Environmental Quality and Resource Management and a study office.
In order to perpetuate the actions carried out since the certification, the students decided to create the GreenSAT association.
ISO 9001 certification
AgroToulouse is certified ISO 9001 on its engineering training activity and associated support processes since May 2013.
ISO 9001 is an international standard of quality management, which aims essentially to give confidence in the supply of training provided by AgroToulouse and thus increase the satisfaction of students and companies.
The Quality Management System (QMS) is the organization set up by the Institution to achieve its quality policy and objectives.
We speak of a system, because the QMS includes actors, various activities in the Institution and at the same time interdependent to achieve the goal in relation to the satisfaction of the end customer.
This system is coordinated and managed by the AgroToulouse management, which gives itself the means to achieve the priorities it has defined itself.
This quality approach structures the organization allowing :
- to formalize the strategic policy and quality of the school,
- to define the processes of school activities and their interactions,
- to take into account effectively the needs and expectations of the users and users of the training services of the school,
- to ensure the steering of the activities according to the quality policies, according to the means made available,
- to ensure continuous improvement within the school's activities.
The environmental quality policy of ENSAT
AgroToulouse has a role of training and research in agronomy, management of the quality management system and respect for the environment are now daily and major components of its activities.
ENSAT has achieved the European seal EUR-ACE by CTI and the European association ENAEE.
It is a European accreditation system for engineering courses. The EUR-ACE certification means, on one hand, that the training meets an international quality standard, established for engineering training and, on the other hand, that it has been accredited by a qualified agency of European standards. More demanding, in this case in France the CTI.
The Bologna Process has created a very open space for higher education by bringing higher education systems closer to European countries. In addition, students must rely on clear criteria to guide themselves in the overabundant offer of these courses. It is a seal of quality that wants to give students benchmarks in the choice of training offer and, ultimately, to companies for the recruitment of young graduates.
What benefits for the AgroToulouse ?
- Entry of the School into the catalog of courses that meets the training requirements of EUR ING, guarantee of skills for engineers and a source of information for employers.
- Additional quality assurance of engineering programs for students and companies.
- Greater visibility of the training and the School.
- Professional and academic mobility of students and young graduates.
- Agreements of mutual recognition between establishments.