« Located at the heart of the Agrobiopole, with close links to professionals in the Toulouse metropolitan area, AgroToulouse has been providing fertile ground for the professional projects of its students for over 100 years. The school aims at shaping future expert engineers in the fields of agriculture, food science and environment, and places professional skills at the heart of its teaching programme. Through a range of professional projects and multi-disciplinary courses, student engineers are trained to understand complex systems and therefore to respond to the needs of society and the challenges of the future. The school shares the ambition to be exemplary in its consideration of environmental and social issues, and promotes a day-to-day commitment enabling everyone to fulfil their potential in their life project. »
Pascal LAFFAILLE, Director of INP-AgroToulouse
The INP-AgroToulouse is the Engineering Faculty of Life Sciences, part of the Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse (Toulouse INP), founder member of the University of Toulouse. It is under the authority of the Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research and is state-funded.
The University of Toulouse contributes to and benefits from various opportunities offered, enabling mobility of students, Faculty members, joint research projects and administrative staff. The INP-AgroToulouse has also been a main actor in developing solid networks and partnerships with the most renowned academic, research and private institutions.
The INP-AgroToulouse is the first French agronomy engineering faculty to have been certified ISO 14001 for its environmental approach. It has also been granted the ISO 9001 certification based on quality management on training activities and support services Find out more about our quality Management.
Our engineering students enroll after 2 years of undergraduate study and study for 3 years at AgroToulouse under the French System of education framework. We welcome international students to enroll either in Degree programmes or in Exchange programmes