Mobility programs
The Erasmus plus programme is specifically reserved for academic and research internships for European students, including Norway and Turkey. Each university has a code. The ENSAT has signed the ERASMUS+ charter for Higher Education 2014-2020 and thecode is the same as that of the INP Toulouse (F TOULOUS28).
Depending on the agreement, mobility extends from 3 to 10 months. Financial aid can be granted for student mobility but also for internships. Students should apply to their home university to ensure that grants are available. More information on Erasmus + website
Find out more on subsistence allowances and funding for education in the European Union on the European Funding guide
ARFAGRI, BRAFAGRI, BRAFITEC, MEXFITEC programs for Argentina, Brazil and Mexico respectively.
Agreements between France and Argentina, Brazil and Mexico respectively allow reciprocal mobility-funded programs between the two countries. Selected students may benefit from a grant, covering part of the travel and subsistence allowances.
Students wishing to enroll in these programs should contact the International Relations Office of their home university.
The INP Toulouse has signed several agreements called "bilateral" with non-European universities and institutions allowing students to study abroad. There is usually no funding available. However, tuition fees are waived both sides for incoming or outgoing students. Students have to contact the International Office of the home university to set up the Learning Agreement.
It is worthy to note that students need to pay to enroll in this programme, and there is no need to have an agreement with the sending university. International students are eligible to apply for French scholarships.