Outgoing students
International mobility of at least over a period of 3 months is mandatory for our Engineering students and is part of the international strategy of the ENSAT. All our students go abroad either for an academic semester study abroad or for a research internship. To help you in your international project, the ENSAT has signed more than 70 agreements world-wide as seen on the interactive map.
In certain cases, following two academic semesters abroad may give rise to application in a Double Degree (DD) program, depending on the partner University. This will lead to the delivery of the ENSAT Engineering degree as well as the Master’s degree from the partner University. These programs are available in the Czech republic (CULS), Brazil, Cambodia, Lebanon and Tunisia.
Students can also apply for the end of study thesis internship as Volunteer for International Experience (VIE) internship) Offers can be consulted on the Civiweb website.