Incoming exchange students

Fifteen percent of our students come from abroad within the frame of set agreements that allow international students to study at the ENSAT. We have signed more than 70 agreements, including 7 Double-Degrees programs, enabling incoming and outgoing for academic semesters and research internships.
Main Principles underlying the agreements
International students are enrolled at their home universities, and during the study abroad semester(s), they are waived from fees at the ENSAT.
Before arrival, students need to sign a Learning agreement stipulating the list of chosen courses together with the corresponding ECTS, in accordance with the Academic coordinators and International Office at their home University.
Credits validated at the ENSAT will be transferred to the Home universities. The same applies to the ENSAT students when they go abroad.
We will preferably host international students at the Master level. They may also enroll to join one of our laboratories and follow a 5-6 months internship within the scope of their Bachelor’s or Master degree.
French-speaking students (minimum intermediate B1-B2 level) can enroll as exchange students in Engineering programs, National Master Degrees or in the National Diploma of Oenology preferably during the semesters 8 or 9 of their university track.
We will host international students who have at least a Bachelor’s degree or the equivalent of 3-years level of studies at university for one or two exchange semesters.
All candidates must be nominated by the international office of their home University and nominations will be addressed to the ENSAT International Office (rel-int @ .
Nomination / Application Deadlines
June 1st : For the Fall semester starting Mid-September
November 1st : For the Spring semester starting early February
Documents required :
- Complete Transcripts of records of higher education
- Curriculum Vitae
- Letter of application
- Certificate of French language level delivered by a certified French learning center. A minimum B1 level is mandatory to follow engineering and Master courses in French.
- Certificate of English language level delivered by a certified English learning centre. A minimum B1 level is requested to follow engineering courses and a minimum of B2 level for International Master of Science and Technology programs.
Nominated candidates will receive a link to submit their e-application on the internet.
- Upload all the documents required on the e-application mobility platform :
Our International office will then send you a letter of admission. From then on:
- Proceed to visa applications if you are a non-European citizen
- A health insurance coverage is compulsory to study in France. If you come from European Union, request a health insurance European card before your departure. For non European students, you must register for the social security on Ameli website once your registration at ENSAT is completed.
If you come to France before your registration at Ensat, a private health insurance will be required to cover your stay in France before your registration at Ensat.
- Finally, send an email to rel-int @ to confirm that you have all your documents and that you will arrive in Toulouse at the expected date.
Double degree programs
The ENSAT has agreements for double degrees with seven partner universities. Students will be accepted in the second year at the ENSAT (fourth-year of university level). In the third year, students choose one specialization field and follow all courses within the syllabus. After one semester at school, they go on internship placement in France or abroad. Their work is examined jointly by ENSAT and by home university coordinators as well as by the hosting internship tutors.
Successful students are awarded the ENSAT “Diplôme d’Ingénieur Agronome” as well as the degree achieved at their home university.
Students from partner universities are eligible to research internships within one of our research labs under the frame of the agreement. Students from non-partner universities are also eligible after establishing a special internship agreement. In all cases, they should first contact the ENSAT correspondents of their home universities, with a letter of application stating the targeted research lab (s), the CV, university transcript of records. The mission statement will be defined together with the students and the home university coordinator. Thereafter, the International Relations coordinator at the receiving host institution should be informed for administrative procedures.