Programs in French
Engineering programs
The organization of academics at the Toulouse INP-ENSAT
The first three semesters (S5-S7) : A core common curriculum
During the first 3 semesters (S5-S7), there are no elective courses; students follow the curricula of all 3 semesters. They are introduced to concepts of the complexity of the Agro-industrial world. Major focus is drawn on mathematical tools and data processing, economics, social and human sciences and management tools in relation to agronomy, food, and environment. Training and apprenticeship involve professionals of the industrial private and public institutions through lectures, conferences, company visits and open debates.
Moreover, during the third semester, students are further trained, emphasizing on mathematical tools and statistics that are necessary to the Engineer in Agronomy. The engineering students are exposed to various professionals of public or private institutions to learn the trade through 2 projects :
- A 6-week work placement within a farm leading to a critical analysis and diagnosis of the technical and economic aspects of the farming system chosen.
- A 5-months tutored group management project in relation to the activities of a private company or a public institution
The fourth semester (S8) aims at going deeper into key issues of different fields of Agronomy and help students to expand areas relevant to their future career orientation.
This semester is termed the “Pre-specialization” semester. These courses are elective and students can tailor their Teaching Units based on an “à la carte” menu, in relation to the area of their specialization semester.
At the end of two years at the ENSAT, students should have achieved 240 ECTS, have a minimum of B2 level in English and achieve successful grades in their second modern language.
Fifth semester (S9): Specialization semester
The third year is the year of specialization and is based on exposure to professionals of the industrial and research sectors. The training within each specialization, is essentially focused on complex project building, critical analysis and integration of research methods and methodologies in order to meet the needs of the consumer, to respond to the requirements of the national and international legal frameworks and to the needs of the industrial sectors.
Sixth semester (S10) at the ENSAT: End of degree internship
Semester 10 corresponds to a 5-months internship placement either in France or abroad, within a public or private institution. The only requirement is that the mission statement of the internship be defined in accordance with ENSAT supervisors and that the evaluation be subjected to two ENSAT Faculty members as well as the host institution tutor.
Specialization areas :
- Plant Biosciences – Biotechnology, Plant breeding, Plant protection
- Agrogeomatics – Remote sensing, GIS
- Agro-Management – Project management, Agri-business
- Food Industry – Innovation and Product quality
- Livestock farming systems
- Environmental Engineering – water and waste management and treatments
- Environmental quality and resource management – risk management, management of agricultural impacts
- Sustainable development engineering
- Computational biology for Biotechnologies
- Agro ecology, environment, territories – sustainable development and land use
National Master’s Degrees
- Master 2 Biologie des Plantes et Microorganismes Associés (BPMA)
- Bio-ingénierie : santé, aliments (BING)
- Master Géomatique (SIGMA)
National program in Oenology
Specialized “Mastère”
Eco-engineering specialized « Mastère »