Doctoral studies
The doctoral studies (or PhD) consist in writing a PhD thesis which results from the achievement of a research project. During 3 years the student is supervised by a thesis mentor associated to a doctoral school and work on an original subject within one of our Research Labs. By the end of this period, the student defends a thesis and gets awarded the degree of Doctor after the jury’s deliberation.
PhD candidates should hold should hold a Master’s degree or equivalent. Admission is based on academic performances, financial plan and requires a hosting laboratory with a thesis supervisor.
Students usually complete a 1-year Master’s program at the ENSAT before enrolling for a PhDs in one of the Doctoral Schools (see below) but it is possible to directly apply for a PhDs provided there is proven research experience.
Our Doctoral Schools
Our Doctoral schools offer a 3-year long courses and research program leading to the doctoral thesis. In addition to a high-level scientific program, they offer additional courses allowing students to broaden their horizon towards the economic world.
Sciences écologiques, vétérinaires, agronomiques et bio-ingénieries (SEVAB)
- Ecology, biodiversity and evolution
- Plant development
- Agriculture, ecosystems and the environment
- Enzyme and bacterial engineering
- Interactions plantes - microorganismes
- Pathology, toxicology, genetics and nutrition
Sciences de la Matière (EDSDM)
- Organometallic chemistry
- Renewable energy resource sciences
- Material engineering
Temps – Espaces – Sociétés – Cultures (TESC)
- Archaeology of prehistory in the industrial age
- Spaces and territories
- Dynamics of human organisations
- Productions of knowledge
Sciences de l'univers de l'environnement et de l'espace (SDU2E)
- Earth Science and Planetary Solids
- Hydrology, Hydrochemistry, Soil, Environment
- Ecology