In'FAAQT - A new research chairto innovate in the agricultural and agri-food sectors

On the occasion of the International Agricultural Exhibition, Toulouse INP-ENSAT, Toulouse INP-PURPAN and Montpellier SupAgro launched the In'FAAQT Research Chair "Innovating in agricultural and agro-industrial sectors for quality and territories ".
This Chair offers a framework for effective collaboration between the companies and engineering schools mentioned above.



The In'FAAQT Research Chair is dedicated to the qualification process of agri-food products mobilizing upstream sectors.

Many ideas of projects that can be funded are discussed. Territorial anchoring, sector governance and marketing, sustainability, farm business structure, consumer expectations : these are the themes covered by this original research and training program.

A call for subscriptions was launched to finance the work. By leaning against the endowment fund of the Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées Federal University, the Chair allows its partners to benefit from tax advantages and thus enhances its attractiveness.


For more information : infaaqt @


The university lecturer and researchers responsible for the Chair :

François Purseigle, Toulouse INP-ENSAT, purseigle @
Julien Frayssignes, Toulouse INP-PURPAN, julien.frayssignes @
Valérie Olivier, Toulouse INP-ENSAT, valerie.olivier @
Stéphane Fournier, Montpellier SupAgro, stephane.fournier @
François Ventelon, IRQUALIM, francois.ventelon @ 
(francois.ventelon @

What is a Research Chair ?

The purpose of opening and awarding a Chair is to promote a discipline, and give it and its holder significant academic recognition. It develops teaching and research expertise on themes defined in partnership with the partner company (s).

The principle is simple : a small team, led by a recognized scientific personality and with strong links with industry, develops research, initial training and continuing education for one to five years. These chairs combine research activities at the highest level of excellence and disseminate knowledge among students.


The National Institute of Agronomy

Avenue de l’Agrobiopole - BP 32607 - Auzeville-Tolosane 31326 CASTANET-TOLOSAN Cedex

+33 5 34 32 39 00


  • CTI
  • Afaq
  • Eurace
  • Groupe INP
  • Université de Toulouse
  • Midi Sup
  • Agreenium
  • Agrisudouest
  • Agrotoulousains
  • Conférence des grandes écoles
  • CNRS
  • INRA